Product Development - Light
320 EUR  / month
Renews automatically

All prices excluding value added tax (MwSt.)

Cancellation Notice
28 days
Minimum Commitment
3 months

The Product Development Light Plan gives you access to our Development Lab at KitchenTown – join other food technologists, founders and food-nerds in our vivid community. The use of lab equipment, as well as internet, coffee, water and fruits and access to community events are included in the monthly fee. Book storage or desks additional- please ask KT-Team for further information. The Pro Plan includes 10 hrs usage (minimum booking 2 hrs) per month. Extra hours can be booked for 30€/hr. Minimum Term 3 month. Cancellation period: 4 weeks to the end of month

Booking Credits
Booking Credit
Product Development EG - Station 1, 2 (Hot) / Product Development EG - Stations 3, 4, 5 (Cold)
Price per hour: 30.00 EUR
10h/month included (combined)
Terms and Conditions »

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